Course Levels
Here is a break down of the way we categorize the levels of our classes:

Ice Breaker: Start to learn Pinyin, learn 100 words.
Beginner: Become more familiar with Pinyin, know 300 words, and understand simple sentences.
Threshold: Able to use Pinyin well, know 500 words, speak in simple sentences.
Lower Intermediate: Able to participate in a simple conversation, know 800-1,000 words, 600-1,200 phrases, and use basic grammar.
Intermediate: Construct and speak more complicated sentences with correct grammar in different contextual situations, get to know the Chinese culture and its histories, begin to learn writing in Chinese.
Business Intermediate: Construct and speak complicated sentences with correct grammar particular to a Business environment, and write with an emphasis on Business.
Business Advanced: Advancement of the topics and concepts of the Business Intermediate level, adding business-relevant complexity to vocabulary and writing skills.
Advanced: Know the Tang Dynasty’s poems, and the Song Dynasty’s poems, two-part allegorical sayings, allusions, idioms, and proverbs.